Transforming Spaces, Inspiring Lives.


A name that reverberates our soul purpose - Earth represents nature and our love for its abundant benefits that it shares with us, and Hive represents the beehive - one of the world’s most efficient and sustaining ecosystems, combining elements of nature and sustainability with functionality and efficiency.

Transforming Spaces, Inspiring Lives.


A name that reverberates our soul purpose - Earth represents nature and our love for its abundant benefits that it shares with us, and Hive represents the beehive - one of the world’s most efficient and sustaining ecosystems, combining elements of nature and sustainability with functionality and efficiency.

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about company

We Create And Turn Into Reality

“Luxury and comfort are not synonymous to modern technology and high-tech amenities. Nature provides the greatest comfort of all.”

This vision is the driving force behind Earthenhive Architects & Interior Designers, a National award winning firm known for its sustainable landscaping, architecture and interior designing.

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  • Earthenive
  • Earthenive

Why Opt for Green Architecture ?

With technological advancements and developments across the globe, humans have come to view themselves as dominators of the Earth’s ecosystems, rather than equal and integral parts of it. The belief in their need to conserve the resources in order to give back to the planet that sustains them is slowly declining among humans.

The design, construction and operation of the buildings we live in significantly contribute to the consumption of nature’s resources. This negligence and arrogance on our part will ultimately result in our own harm.

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Six Hives Of Principles

The guiding virtues that form the foundation of our company, to put our best foot forward with each project

We Are In Numbers

What began as a budding idea, has blossomed into the team and vision you see before you!


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Awards and Accolades: Celebrating Our Success

The sweet results of our journey, fueled by our dedication towards a better, greener tomorrow

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